Why Don’t We Talk About Shame?

Letter to 21st Century Shame

To all the self-help books that tell you all that stands between you and a good day is you.

To all the weight loss, beach body ready by the end of the quarantine challenges.

To all the save-the-planet-for-the-kids-but-feel-bad-about-yourself-and-what-you-eat diets.

To all the how-to-make-sure-you-stay-productive lists.

To all the you-should-enjoy-the-time-you-have-right-now notes.

To the take-care-of-your-mental-health checklists.

To all the status updates that remind you what to be thankful for.

To all the privilege they point out that you have.

To all the stories that make you feel bad.

To all the people that ask you to give something.

To the relief you feel that you are healthy.

To the million phone calls you don’t want to have.

To the fear you have of saying leave-me-alone even now.

To staying in bed all day.

To not changing out of your PJs.

To not washing dishes.

To not doing spring cleaning.

To not reorganising your closet.

To not reading.

To not writing.

To not being creative.

To not being productive.

To not doing much yet.

To not yet.

I am gently letting myself off all these hooks. And I am taking all my ripped out pieces with me.



A human being.

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